Drop and Wave - Avainliputettu verkkokauppa

Drop and Wave - Key flagged online store


Drop and Wave has been recognized by the Finnish Labor Union and we have received a Key flag for our online store.

Drop and Wave is now an officially key flagged online store. The key flag reflects Finnishness. At Drop and Wave, most of the products are made in Finland and our service is located in Finland.

What does the Key Flag mean?

The key flag mark can be awarded in Finland for both products and services. A key ticket can only be granted if the product or service is manufactured in Finland or if the product/service is at least 50 percent domestic. At the moment, Drop and Wave's degree of domesticity is around 90%, so we act as pioneers in this regard as well.

A key-certified online store must have a significant domestic ownership stake, management operating in Finland, and the company's head office must be in Finland. As far as Drop and Wave is concerned, these all come true, because Drop and Wave is managed from Turku, with the help of a fully Finnish-owned company.

(Finnish Labor Union, 2023.)

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